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Enjoy The Best Experience with Us
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Important Information
Investment Risk Notice: Investing involves risk. The value of your investments may fluctuate over time, and you may lose some or all of your invested capital.
Qualified Distribution Requirements: To qualify for distribution, the 5-year ageing requirement must be fulfilled. Additionally, you must be at least 59½ years old or meet several exemptions, such as disability, a qualified first-time home purchase, or death.
Account Minimums and Funding: While there is no minimum amount required to open a Millennial Go account, an account balance of at least $10 is necessary for us to invest your funds according to your chosen investment strategy.
Zero Account Minimums and Fees: Zero account minimums and zero account fees apply to our retail brokerage accounts only. Expenses charged by investments, including funds, managed accounts, and specific HSAs, as well as commissions, interest charges, or other transaction-related expenses, may still apply. Please refer to MillennialInvestment.net/commissions for further details.
Cash Management Accounts: The Millennial Cash Management Account is a brokerage account designed for spending and cash management. It is not intended to serve as a primary account for securities trading. Clients interested in securities trading should consider a Millennial Investment Account®.
Advisory and Brokerage Services: Millennial Go® provides discretionary investment management and, under certain circumstances, non-discretionary financial planning for a fee. Advisory services are offered by Millennial Advisors LLC, a registered investment adviser. Brokerage services are provided by Millennial Brokerage Services LLC (MBS), with custodial and related services offered by National Financial Services LLC (NFS). Millennial Advisors LLC, MBS, and NFS are affiliated companies under the Millennial Investment brand.
Industry Recognition: Millennial Investment has been recognized for its exceptional services:
Named Best Broker for Beginning Investors, Best Online Broker for IRA Investors, Best App for Investing, and Best Online Broker for Bond Investors by [Industry Authority], 2024. Ranked No. 1 overall in the 2024 Annual Awards by StockBrokers.com, evaluated across nine primary categories including Commissions & Fees, Research, Platforms & Tools, and Investment Options. Recognized as Best Overall Online Broker, Best Broker for ETFs, and Best Broker for Low Costs by Investopedia, 2023.
Trademark Notice: The Millennial Investment logo is a registered service mark of Millennial Holdings LLC.
Contact Information: Millennial Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC 123 Investment Avenue, Finance City, ST 12345